Reach more renters with Redfin and Rent.
We partner with Rent. to list your property on a network of sites that receives 47 million monthly visits.
Simple yet powerful
Find renters fast
When you list on Rent., your property will also appear on Redfin, ApartmentGuide, and—helping you fill vacancies faster.
Accept online applications
Rent. gives you all the tools needed to accept and review tenant applications digitally.
Screen future renters
Get instant access to reports on a prospective tenant's credit, background check, and eviction history.
How it works
List your property for rent today
Rentals resources
How do I manage and edit my listings?
You can manage your listings via the Rent. dashboard. There, you’ll find numerous reports that you can use to view potential leads. You can also keep track of the number of leads and impressions your listings have received to gain insights into how well your properties are performing. Reporting is available for all property owners, regardless of the number of listings.
How will potential renters contact me?
Renters will be able to contact you in two ways: They may complete a short inquiry form which will be delivered to you via the email entered upon your listing registration. These leads will also be shown in your Rent. dashboard. To protect your privacy, potential renters may call you via a designated phone number we generate for your listings. All calls to this number will be forwarded to the phone number you provided upon registration.
What is the best way for me to post five or more listings?
Please email the Rentals team at or call them at 866-730-7177. They will discuss options customized to your specific needs.